( HLTAID003 ) Provide first aid Perth WA
Nationally Accredited Training
Provide first Aid is the new name of what most people know as
" Senior First Aid "
This is such a broad competency with so much to take in - it typically would take 2 days in the classroom in Perth WA.
However, we know that most people can not afford to take 2 days off to do a course - hence we send the books out to you to complete in your own time, you bring these with you when you come to class and then we get hands on in the classroom doing
' non boring stuff ' like working on mannequins, playing with epi-pens and doing bandages..
It's a fact that most first aiders administer to people they don't know, these skills and rescue training will give you the confidence to step up should you ever have the need.
While most think this course is ' common sense ' there is never a reason you shouldn't keep your skills up to date.
It is advised, and in some professions required as a requirement of annual certification to maintain licencing - please contact us at 08 9437 9108 if you fall into this category.
Price: $180 per student
Group Prices are available, please contact us for more information